Thursday, October 1, 2009

Coffee Table Reveal...

I love it when you find just what you're looking for at just the right price. I have been perusing craigslist for a coffee table for probably 6 months and sometimes people want just a little much for their possessions. I saw some U.G.L.Y coffee tables that were listed for $200+. Crazy, I tell you!

I stopped at Goodwill one Saturday morning. It wasn't just any Saturday morning. It was 50% Off Day! I spotted this coffee table under some end tables that had just been claimed by another customer. After she hauled out her goods I staked out my grounds and waited ever so patiently for a worker to come close enough. It hadn't been marked with a price so she called over the furniture guy and he shrugged his shoulders and said $17.99? Sold! My precious coffee table only cost $8.98.


With a little sanding, some Heirloom White spray paint, some Dark Walnut stain, and Wipe-On Poly she's looking like a million bucks - or at least $50. I think I'll keep an eye out for a dark bronze drawer pull to replace the wooden knob. Anyway, here is her grand reveal.

Thanks to inspiration from
Lettered Cottage
320 Sycamore
Thrifty Decor Chick



  1. THIS is awesome! Wow, that is fantastic!!

  2. Looks great. The bronze handle will be a great touch too. :-)

  3. So Pottery Barn!!! I love my GW

  4. What an amazing table!! Check out this one too for Unique Coffee Tables.
